Caring for Creation is one of our newest committees established in 2017 to explore how Covenant can use our green spaces in a more environmentally-friendly way while connecting to the mission of our work as a church.

This committee developed two bioswales with natural plantings on the grounds of the church, and continue to beautify it annually by weeding, planting and watering. Both bioswales add beauty, help remove debris and poluution from run-off water, aid in the drainage  of excess water, and attracts polinators. In 2022 the Committee planted a living fence on the north side of the church property.

One of our bioswales qualified as a Monarch Waystation, which means that our bioswale provides milkweeds, nectar sources, and shelter that are needed to sustain monarch butterflies as they migrate through North America (you can learn more about Monarch Waystations and why they’re important here).

The committee has worked to remove invasive plants from the grounds and improved a walking path at the back of the property.

A composting system is in place, which allows congregation and community members to bring their compost to Covenant. A small model of the compost system has been displayed, along with other information about Covenant’s Caring for Creation Committee at the Racine EcoFest. In addition, some of the committee members built another compost system for RUGN (Racine Urban Garden Network) at the Butler Garden on Caron Butler Drive. In 2023 the church planted vegetables in several rental plots at the Caron Butler Garden.

Reusable plates and bowls were purchased for the church and new larger, well-labeled containers for recycling were placed in strategic locations in the church.

In 2020 energy efficient lighting was installed.

Compost with Covenant

Composting is the process of collecting and managing one’s excess organic waste to accelerate and enhance the normal decomposition process, to create new soil. The new soil we’re creating will go in our gardens and may be made available to church or community members depending on the amount we have.

Pick up an empty bucket from the “Bucket Depot” located in our parking lot. Fill the bucket with all of your compostable items (a list is on the lid). When the bucket is full, or when you are ready for another bucket, bring your bucket in, drop it off at the church, and pick up a fresh bucket to take home. It’s that simple. Learning to compost is one of the best ways to care for the environment and divert precious organic matter out of the waste stream (e.g. the Kestrel Hawk Landfill in Racine)