Midweek Musings: September 26, 2024

Dear Friend,

Hannah and I have been reading “The One and Only” books by Katherine Applegate. We just finished The One and Only Ruby, and I was struck by the end of the book, when Ruby celebrates her Tuskday. During the celebration, the matriarch of the herd leads a liturgy that includes the reciting of The Four Lodestars:

One: “We are not our best selves without kindness.”
Many: “An elephant without kindness is not an elephant.”
One: “We are not our best selves without wonder.”
Many: “An elephant without wonder is not an elephant.”
One: “We are not our best selves without courage.”
Many: “An elephant without courage is not an elephant.”
One: “We are not our best selves without gratitude.”
Many: “An elephant without gratitude is not an elephant.”

They end with the elephant’s central creed: “An elephant alone is not an elephant.”

I’ve been thinking about The Four Lodestars (kindness, wonder, courage, and gratitude) and wondering what my four lodestars are. I like the ones they chose, but upon reflection, I think the ones I’d choose for myself (and all of humanity) are imagination, curiosity, empathy and courage. But, of course, as soon as I type those, I’m reminded of the importance of gratitude, and that empathy doesn’t always lead to kindness, and curiosity isn’t quite the same thing as wonder. I’m pretty sure these are the philosophical dilemmas that keep me from writing exquisite children’s books …

What about you? What are your four lodestars?

With gratitude,
Pastor Sarah

something Worth reading

Why Facts Don’t Change Minds

by James Clear

As I struggle to understand the ideas of those with whom I disagree, particularly in our political climate, I found this article to be a refreshing approach and an important reminder that changing ideas is more about relationships than facts. Here’s a snippet:

“Convincing someone to change their mind is really the process of convincing them to change their tribe. If they abandon their beliefs, they run the risk of losing social ties. You can’t expect someone to change their mind if you take away their community too. You have to give them somewhere to go. Nobody wants their worldview torn apart if loneliness is the outcome.”

Read the full article here.

something worth hearing

Fight Song

Rachel Platten featuring PS22 Chorus

This is one of my favorite songs performed by one of my favorite choirs. And I love the energy and joy in it.

something worth watching

Michelle Obama & Jon Batiste Play The Piano

I enjoyed this conversation between Jon Batiste and Michelle Obama about music—the ways in which it functions in our lives, the kind of music we turn to, the music we remember, and more.

something worth praying


by Rachel Hackenberg

This day, too,
is a resurrection,
therefore we praise
the Most Holy Miracle.

This breath, and this one,
is a promise fulfilled.
Praise and thanks
to Life Eternal.

These tears
are a baptism
that make holy
our dusty humanity;

And this crusty loaf of bread,
broken and shared again,
is an ongoing revelation
until we understand.

For the hours
and the milestones
that mark this journey,
we praise the Holy Mystery.

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