Mission Outreach:
Covenant’s Mission Outreach Committee is an active, vibrant group that works to create opportunities for every member of Covenant to participate in serving our community and world through financial gifts, hands on service and various collections throughout the year. We know that in coming together and with God’s love we are able to make a bigger impact for good .
Covenant gives to many organizations locally and globally. Here are some of them:
HALO, Health Care Network, Hospitality Center, Joshua Glover Justice Fund, Kenosha Human Development Services, LGBT Center of SE Wisconsin, NAMI Racine County, Northside Food Pantry, PCUSA Disaster Assistance (Ukraine), Racine Vocational Ministry, Racine/Kenosha Community Action Agency, Racine Habitat for Humanity, Veterans Outreach of SE Wisconsin, Women’s Resource Center, Women of Worth
Throughout the year we commit ourselves to doing service work together in our community. Examples of this are: regularly serving meals at the Monday Night Meal program and the Tiny Homes for Veterans, putting together brown bag breakfasts twice a month for the Hospitality Center, and distributing food at the North Side Food Pantry.
We also have regular collections of items to share with non-profits. This year we have collected: hats/mittens/gloves/scarves for the Hospitality Center, school supplies for West Ridge Elementary, Christmas Stockings for Soldiers, food for North Side Food Pantry, hygiene items for kids in foster care, and hygiene items packed in backpacks for migrants who have been trafficked.
Ongoing Mission Outreach Opportunities:
Food Pantry:
A good time to donate items of food is the 2nd Sunday of the month. We think it’s helpful for you to pair bringing food with when we have our coffee and treats once a month at the Second Sunday Coffee following worship. Needed Items for the Food Pantry:
- Jelly (they have enough peanut butter)
- Soups with meat or beans for protein
- Cans of beans
- Bags of dry beans
- Cans of pasta with meat like SpaghettiOs and Ravioli
- Canned meat (their supplies of frozen meat will end soon)
- Cereals
- Pancake Mix
- Diapers
Donations can be put in the labeled basket in the Providence Room (opposite the sanctuary) year-round.
Hospitality Monday Night Meals:
For the Hospitality Monday Night Meal we provide food and serve a meal to families from the neighborhood at the Hospitality Center at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 614 Main Street, from 4:00pm to 6:30pm, on scheduled Sundays, about six times a year. Each date we are partnered with another group who does the clean up portion of the evening. We use SignUp Genius to keep track, or contact kmiller@covpres.org to sign up. Casserole tins are available in the office. Dates for 2025: January 20, March 17, June 16, July 28, September 29, December 15.
Click here for Tater Tot Casserole recipe.
Change 4 Children:
Twice a year, in April and October, we collect change in a special offering for Change 4 Children. (Bills, checks and online giving are also accepted.) The money is sent to the Alliance for Children Everywhere and used for children in Zambia.
School Supplies Basket:
In August we often collect school supplies for a local school allowing us to partner with the school and support the children.
Teen Foster Care Basket:
The Teenage Foster Care program is administered by Kenosha Human Development Services, Inc. The program serves youth from both Racine and Kenosha, with the shelter located in Kenosha. Children can stay for a maximum of 60 days. Other services provided include independent living placements for 17-19 year-olds.
Unopened items to collect for Teenage Foster Care: lotion, shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, facial cleansers, nail care items, nail polish, nail clippers, make-up for all skin types, after-shave, cologne and perfume. Donations can be put in the labeled basket in the Providence Room (opposite the sanctuary) year-round.
Veteran’s Sunday Outreach Meal:
The Veteran’s Meal is an opportunity to help cook a meal for a small group of veterans that live at the Tiny Village. Your food item needs to serve about 20 people. Our veterans from our congregation are also encouraged to attend and visit with those living there while sharing a meal. This takes place at the Veterans Outreach Community Center, 1521 Yout Street, at 4:30pm on scheduled Sundays, about six times a year. Dates for 2024: February 18, April 14, June 23, August 18, October 20, and December 8.
Brown Bag Breakfasts:
Make BBBs (Brown Bag Breakfasts) at home for the Hospitality Center. We will pick up the bags from your house and deliver them to the Center. Please fold the individual bags down and put them in a box or bigger bag so they are easy for our gatherers to pick them up. We collect these the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month.
Each brown bag breakfast should consist of the following items:
Granola (bar or small sealed bag)
Hard Boiled egg
Yogurt (cup/individual serving; please provide a plastic spoon)
Fruit (your choice – apple, orange, banana)
Cheese Sticks
Juice (box or pouch)
Homemade items are welcome if they are packaged.